What is the best way to generate wealth?
As Australian families are becoming more in tune with their financial circumstances more people are beginning to ask the burning question we know we need to address however often we leave it too late.
“What is the best way for my family to secure our retirement?”
There are a myriad of pathways that will lead to a self-funded and future-proof retirement, all of which focus on the end goal of having accessible funds that allow us the retirement we deserve, rather than the one that requires more personal sacrifice.
Throw a stone in any retirement-centric suburb and you will be met with the common “war-stories” of hard working folks that have lost significant superannuation, been burned by a poorly structured investment or suffered the human condition of tomorrows-another-day-it is.
The most unfortunate part of these stories are retiree’s that have had to make the tough decision of downsizing the family home to gain a further 5-10 years of retirement income. What must be considered when facing this decision is weighing the future gain of selling a “house” versus the emotional severance of parting with a “home”.
A defining moment in speaking with already retired Australians is not that they did not want to understand more about self-funding their retirement. The common denominator is that they we’re unsure or concerned about how complicated retirement would be and what cost’s they would incur to seek the advice of a professional….